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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What does quiver mean?
to shake or tremble
to count
to write
to sleep
What is a maiden?
a young girl
a maid
a princess
a cat
How does Cinderella find her happiness?
a hearth is ________
the floor in front of the fireplace
a tree
a heart
the top floor of the house
What happens when the clock strikes midnight?
Cinderella's magic ends
The prince kisses Cinderella
Cinderella turns into a toad.
The prince goes to sleep
How are the stepsisters the same as their mother?
They are mean to Cinderella
They all have blonde hair.
They are ugly
They are in love with the price
Who is the main character in the story?
the stepmother
the stepsisters
the prince
How does the prince know Cinderella is the one?
The golden shoe fits her foot
He recognizes her walking down the street
Cinderella father tells the prince
Cinderella tells the prince
A little piece of wood that grows from a branch is called....
a twig
a stump
a trunk
a leaf
In what way did Cinderella change at the end?
She is married to a prince.
She gets along with her step sisters.
She no longer minds doing her chores.
She has become a kind person.
How does Cinderella feels when she meets the prince?
Which of the following events happen first the story?
Cinderella's father remarries.
The king announces the ball
Cinderella does all chores in the house.
Cinderella asks her father to bring her gift
What problems does Cinderella face in the story?
She is not allowed to go to the ball.
She is too sad to go to the ball.
Her stepsisters trick her into not going to the ball.
She wakes up late and misses the ball.