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Ch.24 Cold War

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#69 What was the policy of not allowing the Soviet Union to create anymore Communist governments in other countries?
#68 Why did MLK write "Letters from Birmingham Jail"?
justify his civil disobedience to pastors
#67 What space mission was the first to put a man on the moon?
Apollo 11
#66 Who was the first person to set foot on the moon?
Neil Armstrong
#65 What country put the first man on the moon?
#64 Who was the first American to orbit the Earth?
John Glenn
#63 Who was the first human to go into space?
Yuri Gagarin
#62 Who was the first American to go into space?
Alan Shepard
#61 What country put the first artificial satellite into orbit?
The Soviet Union
#60 What was the first artificial satellite put into orbit?
Sputnik I
#59 How does the set up the UN restrict its power?
Members of the General Assembly are not forced to follow all the UN's decisions. Any permanent member of the Security Council can veto a decision.
#58 Can the UN bring last world peace? Defend your answer.
No, as long as sinners rule on earth, there will be no lasting world peace. Lasting peace will only come when Jesus is king.
#57 What was the result of the Marshall Plan?
The Soviet-controlled countries rejected help. Countries that took the aid were greatly benefited and built their countries back better than before.
#56 Why was the Marshall Plan needed?
Europe was devastated after WW2.
#55 What was the Marshall Plan?
plan for rebuilding Europe after WW2
#54 What program did JFK start to go against Communism in Latin America?
Alliance for Progress
#53 What are the 3 parts of the UN?
General Assembly, Security Council, and Secretariat
#52 What was the result of the Korean War?
Korea was back where it was when the war began? It was divided at the 38th Parallel. North Korea was Communist, aided by the USSR and China. South Korea was fre
#51 What did the 23rd Amendment do?
gave residents of Washington D.C. the right to vote in national elections
#50 Which amendment gave residents of Washington D.C. the right to vote?
#49 What did Winston Churchill mean by the "Iron Curtain"?
the division between free Europe and Communist Europe
#47 Who was the Communist dictator of Cuba?
Fidel Castro
#48 Who was the Communist dictator of Vietnam?
Ho Chi Minh
#46 What year did the Korean War start?
#45 List 2 things that changed in America after WW2.
GI Bill, soldiers got married, baby boom (supply and demand shifts), housing shortages, green revolution, Sun-belt Migration, suburbanization
#44 What waterway was improved in the 1950s by the US and Canada?
St. Lawrence Seaway
#43 turned Cuba Communist
Fidel Castro
#42 became leader of USSR after Stalin
Nikita Khrushchev
#41 Democratic presidential candidate who won the 1960 election
John F. Kennedy
#40 the first black leader to become famous nationally
Martin Luther King Jr.
#39 What crisis brought the world to the brink of nuclear war?
the Cuban Missile Crisis
#38 What kept East Berliners from trying to escape to West Berlin?
armed guards at the Berlin Wall
#37 In which effective peaceful protest did MLK give his "I have a dream..." speech?
March on Washington
#36 What policy did the U.S. and USSR try in 1953 after Stalin died and Khrushchev became leader of the USSR?
"peaceful coexistence"
#35 Who led the March on Washington?
Martin Luther King Jr.
#34 What did MLK write to justify his civil disobedience (protests and not following Jim Crow laws) to local pastors?
"Letters from Birmingham Jail"
#33 What group did Chiang Kai-shek lead?
Chinese Nationalists
#32 What group did Mao Zedong lead?
Chinese Communists
#31 What was the Truman Doctrine?
Somebody has to keep Communism from spreading. Let America give aid, money and military, to governments that are fighting Communism within their own countries.
#30 What was Truman's view of the Korean War and other Cold War "flareups"?
He wanted to just contain Communism. He only wanted "limited warfare"; let North Korea stay Communist.
#29 What was MacArthur's view of the Korean War?
We needed "total victory". We needed to whatever it took to stop the Communist takeover of Korea, even bomb China.
#28 What did the GI Bill do?
gave veterans aid, help in finding homes and jobs, paid for college
#27 What was the Sun-Belt migration?
A lot of Americans moved to warmer areas of the U.S. after WW2. (the South and Southwest)
#26 What did the Taft-Hartley Act do?
limited power of labor unions
#25 What did "Jim Crow" laws do?
segregated black and white people
#24 What does an injunction do?
It keeps a union from going on strike or stops an ongoing strike.
#23 What was the "green revolution"
agricultural improvements after WW2
#22 What countries were offered help by the Marshall Plan?
All European countries, even ones under Soviet control
#10 plan for the U.S. to aid in the rebuilding of Europe
Marshall Plan
#9 tensions between Soviet Union and the U.S.
Cold War
#8 agricultural improvements after WW2
green revolution
#7 court order to stop a strike
#6 Southern laws that segregated black and white people
Jim Crow laws
#5 act that limited the power of labor unions
Taft-Hartley Act
#4 movement after WW2 to warmer areas of the U.S.
Sun Belt migration
#3 aid package for veterans
GI Bill
#2 Truman's domestic policy
Fair Deal
#1 ran against Truman in 1948
Thomas Dewey
#11 general who wanted total victory in Korea
#12 president that had the policy of "containment" with Communism
#13 Truman's policy of giving aid to anti-Communists government
Truman Doctrine
#14 leader of Chinese Communists
Mao Zedong
#15 leader of Chinese Nationalists
Chiang Kai-shek
#16 Communist alliance
Warsaw Pact
#17 anti-Communist alliance
#18 action to overcome the Soviet blockade of Eastern Germany and Berlin
Berlin Airlift
#19 couple that gave atomic secrets to USSR
Julius and Ethel Rosenberg
#20 years of the Korean War
#21 phrase coined by Churchill to describe the division of Europe and Communist Europe
the "Iron Curtain"