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jury: a group of civilians that is present at a trial and decides at the end if the defendant is guilty or innocent
Noun the jury couldn´t come to a verdict
judge: the person who presides over a trial in a court of law
Noun some judges are appointed by the government. others are elected by the people
victim: a person who is affected by a crime or mistreatment
Noun grace often makes fun of people and today poor Jenny was her victim
verdict: a finding in a judgment or trial
Noun the jury took three days to decide on a verdict of not guilty
suspect: someone who is thought to be guilty of a crime
Verb one of the murder suspects has already been arrested
testify: to give evidence as a witness in a court of law
Verb the police officer was called on to testify in the robbery case
trial: the legal process in which a judge or jury decides whether a person is guilty of a particular crime
Noun the trial lasted for five weeks, and in the end the verdict was not guilty
plead: to answer a charge in a court of law
Verb the man pleaded not guilty to the charges brought against him
prison: a place where people found guilty of crimes are confined
Noun he´s spent the last twenty years in prison
serve time: to be in prison for a sentence
Verb they served time for bank fraud
sentence: to give a punishment given by a court after a person has been found guilty
Noun the car thief got a five-year jail sentence
jail: to put someone in jail
Noun the man was jailed for stealing a statue of a falcon
innocent: not having done wrong
Adjective An innocent boy was wrongly accused of stealing the watch
guilty: judged to be responsible for a crime
Adjective she is guilty of murder
fine: a sum of money that is paid as punishment for a crime
Noun dad had to pay a fine for speeding
culprit: the person responsible for a crime
Noun The police couldn´t find the culprit
court: the place where a trial takes place and judgments are made
Noun there were protesters outside the court when the accused arrived
cell: a room in which prisoners are held in jail or prison
Noun he´s being kept in a holding cell downstairs
charge: to start legal proceedings against someone accused of a crime
Verb the man was charged with theft
bail: to secure the release of a prisoner until trial by paying bail
Noun his family didn´t have enough money to bail him out
arrest: to put a suspected criminal in custody
Verb The bank robber was arrested by the police
accuse: to say someone has done wrong or broken the law
Verb the prisoner is accused of murder