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True or false : A wind turbine is a device that converts the kinetic energy of wind into electrical energy.
True Aerogeneradores
What is an object that can store energy
True or false: you can’t store energy
False: se puede almacenar
True or false: you can transport energy
True : la EnergĂ­a se puede transportar
True / false: energy transforms
True: EnergĂ­a se transforma
Energy nuclear is called what in Spanish ?
EnergĂ­a nuclear
Chemical energy is called ?
EnergĂ­a quimĂ­ca
Electric energy is called
Energía eléctrica
The sum of Potential and kinetic energy of an object is called
Mechanical energy
What is potential energy in spanish ?
EnergĂ­a potencial
Kinetic energy is called what in Spanish ?
EnergĂ­a cinetĂ­ca
Thermal energy is called what in Spanish
Energía térmica
What is thermal energy ?
Energy that is interchanged between two objects. EnergĂ­a que se intercambia entre dos cuerpos