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Grade 7 - English Review

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What are the author’s purpose in writing a biographical sketch?
Inform, Persuade, Entertain and Describe
What are the things we need in biographical sketch?
Brief personal account, Early Struggle, Passion, Reaping the fruit of Success
What are the four ways/steps in writing a biographical sketch?
Do extensive research, Interview the person, Set focus and rationale, Evaluate the information
What type of biography focused on the birth to death of a person?
Capsule Biography
It is the story of someone else’s life written by another person who has conducted a thorough research.
What is/are the focused of biographical sketch?
Achievements, advocacy, education, contribution (significant events)
In Greek, the word "graphia" means?
How do you avoid biases in writing about someone?
Answers may vary
It brings the biography to a definite close and should not be long or complicated.
Complete the sentence :Evaluate the ___________ and _________ of information.
veracity and accuracy
It is a personal dialogue that allows the person to gather more information.
Give an example/s of primary sources?
Speeches, interviews, manuscripts, letters, actual footage, diary, e
books, review and essays are an examples of?
Secondary source
What numerals do we need to used in indicating main ideas?
Roman numerals
What is/are the purpose of feature article?
Inform and Entertain
What is the tense used in writing a recount?
Past tense
What is the order that we usually used in writing a recount?
Chronological order
It is a visual presentation that shows relationships between facts, terms, or ideas.
Graphic organizer
Personal Recounts are based from person's ___________
Newspaper article, historical events​, and​ news broadcasts​ are an examples of?
Factual Recount