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Safari adventure

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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At night, we look at the stars.
On South African Safaris
We eat hot soup under the tree.
On South African Safaris
We have a picnic for lunch with salad and sandwiches.
On South African Safaris
There are some biscuits too.
On South African Safaris
There is some water and juice in the safari car.
On South African Safaris
Sometimes we see leopards.
On South African Safaris
There are elephants, giraffes and crocodiles.
On South African Safaris
We ride in a safari car.
On South African Safaris
You put a torch in your backpack.
On South African Safaris
We sleep in a tree house.
On South African Safaris
You must wear your sun hat.
On Dubai Holidays
They bring lots of bottles of water for everyone.
On Dubai Holidays
You eat some bread and cheese and a plate of fruit for lunch.
On Dubai Holidays
Sometimes there is a monkey or a snake.
On Dubai Holidays
Where can you see a lizard?
On Dubai Holidays
Where is it very hot and sunny?
On Dubai Holidays