Edit Game
Review Unit 1 - Intermediate

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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This muffin is _______ of all the ones the coffee shop sells
the best
That building is __________ (high) in the city.
the highest
My boyfriend _____ me ____ his university
showed me
I have _____ ___ some japanese words watching anime
picked up
Oh no! The _____ ______ swallowed my card
cash machine
I feel so lucky to have a _____ _____ that connects my job and my house. That way I can save money riding my bicycle
cycle lane
I have had the worst of lucks. All the _______ _______ turned red when I tried to cross
traffic lights
Boss, please don't fire me. I promise I spent two hours in a ____ ______
traffic jam
I don't have a car, so I use ______ ___________
public transport
A: The subway is so full. It must be ____ _____.
rush hour
Don't cross here! There is a ____ ____ right there.
pedestrian crossing
An Iphone 13 is ________ (expensive) a Samsung Galaxy A50
more expensive than
A turtle is ________ (slow) a rabbit
slower than
Concepción is ________ (cold) La Serena
colder than
A tea is _________ (cheap) a latte
cheaper than
My husband is preparing dinner. He's not a good cook so you _____(not) expect anything special.
Your cold is getting worse and you have a runny nose. You _____ see the doctor.
ought to
Tell your sister she ___ stay the night here if she wants to.
You ______ (not) to apply for the job yet. You can do it later this week.
don't have
John (not) have taken your car keys. He hasn't even left the house.
You _____ be exhausted after your long trip. Come in and have a drink.