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The Communities

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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If there is a cat stuck on the tree, who do you have to call?
The Fire Fighter
If there is a robbery, who do you have to call?
The Police Officer
What is this place?
Police Station
What is this place?
What is this place?
Fire Station
What does the seller do?
The Seller ...
What does the fire fighter do?
The Fire Fighter ...
What does the cashier do?
The Cashier ...
What does the zoo keeper do?
The Zoo Keeper ...
Who's car is this?
The zoo keeper's car.
Who's car is this?
Fire fighter's car.
Who's car is this?
Police officer's car.
Mention 3 person you saw when you were going to the zoo!
The Zoo Keeper, Gardener, Security, Cleaner, Chef, etc.
Mention 3 person you saw when you were going to the market!
The Cashier, Seller, Security, Cleaner, etc.
Chefs at police station are cooking for?
The Police, Detective, Prisoner, etc.
Chefs at hospital are cooking for?
The Patients, Doctor, Nurse, etc.
Mention 3 workers who work both at hospital and police station!
Security, Chef, Cleaner, Gardener, Customer Service, etc.
What does the police do?
The Police ...
What does the doctor do?
The Doctor ...
Where does the nurse work?
At the hospital.
Where does the detective work?
At the police station.
Mention 5 person at the hospital!
Doctor, Nurse, Patients, Customer Service, Chef, Cleaner, Security, etc.
Mention 5 person at the police station!
Police, Detective, Chef, Cleaner, Gardener, Security, Prisoner, etc.