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5th grade progress test 3 (the UK, Health, repor ...

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I want neither tea _______ a soft drink.
What does a doctor do when he tells you to take some medicine?
He prescribes you a medicine.
Name three things of tableware.
a fork, a spoon, a knife, a plate, a cup, a glass
What do you do when you cook products in hot oil?
You fry them.
It's a movable organ in your mouth that you use to swallow and to speak. What is it?
It's a tongue.
What is the antonym to "hard"?
It's "soft".
What is the synonym to "seldom"?
It's "hardly ever".
What is the synonym to "should"?
It's "ought to".
What part of speech is "delay"?
It's a verb.
What part of speech is "imaginable"?
It's an adjective.
What part of speech is "movable"?
It's an adjective.
What part of speech is "freshness?"
It's a noun.
What part of speech is "politeness"?
It's a noun.
My friend asked me: "Are you reading a book now?"
My friend asked me if I was reading a book then.
My friend asked me: "Were you reading this book at 5 o'clock yesterday?"
My friend asked me if I had been reading that book at 5 o'clock the day before".
The children asked their mother: "Where did you put these pencils?"
The children asked their mother where she had put those pencils.
Mother asked me: "Don't drink cold water!"
Mother asked me not to drink cold water.
Mr Johnson said: "I will take this medicine in 2 days".
Mr Johnson said that he would take that medicine 2 days later.
How can you become a member of the House of Commons?
Members of the House of Commons are elected.
What is the Commonwealth?
The Commonwelth consists of the UK and the former British colonies.
What does the British Parliament consist of?
The British Parliament consists of the House of Commons and the House of Lords.
What separates GB from the continent?
The English Channel and the Straits of Dover separate GB from the continent.
What separates Great Britain from Ireland?
The Irish Sea separates GB from Ireland.
What is the capital of Wales?
Cardiff is the capital of Wales.
What is the capital of Northern Ireland?
Belfast is the capital of Northern Ireland.
What is the capital of Scotland?
Edinburgh is the capital of Scotland.