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Body system

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Movement of the body would mostly involve which two body systems?
Muscular & Skeletal
The act of chewing to break up food into smaller pieces is a type of what digestion
All systems working together to maintain a stable environment is called
What system removes waste from the body and includes the skin, lungs, kidneys and large intestine?
Excretory System
The combining of a sperm cell and an egg cell creates a
It is the primary sex hormone in males that gives rise to secondary male characteristics such as deeper voice, facial hair, and muscle development.
Which organ produces insulin to regulate the body's sugar levels?
Which system is responsible for sending and receiving messages?
Which system transports oxygen, red blood cells and hormones throughout the body
Which system produces and releases hormones through glands
Which part of the female reproductive system is the site of fertilization?
fallopian tube
The egg and sperm uniting is called
What are the cells that are responsible for sending messages to the brain and spinal cord?
Which organ is responsible for filtering out blood.
Which cells of the circulatory system aid in fighting off infections
White blood cells
Which is an accessory organ of the digestive system that produces bile to break down fats?
Which organ do most nutrients get absorbed into?
small intestine