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Unit 4 Lesson 3 : Inherited & Learned Traits

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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A bunny getting fat from eating a lot of food is an example of a __ trait.
Inherited traits are passed from parents to offspring through __.
True or false : A parent could make a child have learned and environmental traits.
TRUE - but not from genes!
Give an example of a trait that could be both inherited and environmental, and explain why.
(Answers may vary.)
Give an example of an inherited trait.
(Answers may vary.)
Give an example of an environmental trait.
(Answers may vary.)
Give an example of a learned trait.
(Answers may vary.)
True or false : If a parent has short hair, the baby will also always have short hair.
What two types of traits are NOT passed from parent to offspring through genes?
Learned and environmental traits
Traits that an organism gets from interacting with the outside world are __.
environmental traits
Knowing how to tie your shoes is an example of a __.
learned trait
Skills that people and animals gain over time are __ traits.
True or false : Animals get genes from just one parent.
Birds knowing how to build nests and tadpoles knowing how to swim are examples of __.
An __ is a way of acting that an animal does not have to learn, but can do automatically
__ are traits that are passed from parent to offspring through genes (DNA).
inherited traits
__ is the passing of traits from parent to offspring.
Heredity / Inheritance
Eye color, hair color, and number of legs are examples of ___.