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Ancient Rome

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The Roman Empire was well known for ....
Their army
What is a legion?
a unit of 3,000 to 6,000 men in the Roman army
Who selected the consuls?
The Senate
What three continents did the Roman Empire occupy?
Africa, Europe and Asia
Why did Augustus go to war with Cleopatra?
Because Mark Antony married her
Who adopted Octavian?
Julius Caesar
What is the meaning of Agugstus?
Majesty, The blessed one
Who married Cleopatra?
Mark Antony
Which friend murdered Julius?
How did Julius die?
He was stabbed.
How many Punic Wars were there?
Who started the first Punic War?
What was the name of the series of wars?
Punic Wars
Name three places that Rome conquered
Britain, Spain, Egypt, Carthage, Sicily, etc...
What was Pax Romana?
peace and prosperity
How was Julius Caesar viewed by MOST Roman citizens?
He was extremely popular, especially with the lower classes
What were the 12 tables?
the written laws of Rome
Latin was the language of Rome.
Upper class Romans were called:
Lower class Romans were called:
The Coliseum in ancient Rome was used for
Entertaining the public
The decline of the Roman Empire was accelerated by Christianity?
What natural features made Rome an ideal place to settle?
Mediterranean Sea
This location began as a monarchy, and then moved to a republic, where citizens elect their leaders. Yet, this same system had slaves. Also, most women could not take part in government. Where was this?
I became the undisputed master of the Roman Empire around 49 BC. This was the beginning of a reign of reforms in the Roman society and government. I proclaimed myself a dictator for life, and was murdered for it. Who am I?
Julius Cesar