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Writing & Young Learners

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What's the general rule when correcting Ss' mistakes in writing?
don't try to correct every mistake, focus on areas that Ss have studied and should know, use 'signaling' to help them self-correct first
What makes writing difficult (not only) for YLs?
there's no body language, intonation, eye contact; often associated with error-correction, combines many areas: vocabulary, grammar, spelling, content & form
Give 3 examples of controlled/guided writing tasks
dictations, copying, fill-in exercises, matching
What is authentic writing?
it's communication-driven and comes from real-life (shopping list, text message, email, etc.), has real audience
How can you make sure the writing is achievable
language is a suitable level, content is personalized, lesson is well-scaffolded, outcome is differentiated (based on the individual Ss' level)
3 ways you & the Ss can respond to their writing
praise learners for their ideas, have a class vote for the most interesting text, ask questions about the text, alter the ending of a story
Give 3 examples of topics YLs find motivating to write about
toys, animals, friends, family, games, food, their lives, hobbies, likes & dislikes, Christmas & other holidays, their house/bedroom, etc.
What helps to support YLs in their writing? (3 examples)
visuals, scaffolding, model of the target text, brainstorming content ideas, practice of the target language
Is it advisable that Ss interact with each other and/or the teacher during writing?
yes (it makes writing more communicative, they brainstorm ideas, and help each other with the language, etc.)
3 adjectives to describe effective writing practice
contextualized, personalized, authentic, relevant (to the learners' age, level & interest), scaffolded, purposeful
Explain the role of context in writing tasks
motivates, shows the real-life use of the target language and clarifies its meaning, helps to memorize the TL, connects the individual stages
Give 3 examples of suitable writing tasks for YLs.
invite friends for you birthday party, sms or social media messages, a thank you note for a present, Christmas card, diary log, emoticon dictation, stories
Name at least 3 types of audience/readers for writing.
friends, family members, toys, pets, favorite clothes, school principal, class/school mates, teachers
What are the 7 principles of effective writing practice?
audience, purpose, topic, support, achievable tasks, response to content, age-appropriacy
What's the order of skills' practice in the YL classroom?
1. listening, 2. speaking, 3. reading, 4. writing
What are the aims of the Post-writing stage?
to read the writing, give feedback on the content & language, error-correction
What are the aims of the Pre-writing stage?
to motivate learners, pre-teach & activate useful language, work with the writing model
How should writing be staged?
PDP (Pre-, During-, Post-writing)