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Rise of Dictators: Beginning of World War II

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British Prime Minister at the Munich Conference who declared "peace for our time" by appeasing Hitler.
Neville Chamberlain
Mussolini and Italy invaded Albania and what African country (in 1935)? Ethiopia, Nigeria or Egypt?
Hitler and Germany signed a non-aggression pact with Stalin and the Soviet Union in what year: 1939, 1941 or 1943?
Hitler/Nazi Germany annexed Austria in what year: 1936, 1938, or 1940?
Hitler gave himself extraordinary emergency powers after the Reichstag Fire and blamed it on who?
Japan invaded this country in 1931 and 1937.
True or False: Franklin D. Roosevelt was the President of the United States at the beginning of World War II.
True or False: America entered World War II when Germany invaded Poland.
Great Britain and France declared war on Germany after Hitler invaded this country in 1939.
What year is it generally considered that World War II began?
Fascist dictator of Spain who remained neutral during World War II.
Francisco Franco
Militaristic Prime Minister of Japan
Hideki Tojo
International Organization formed after World War I to preserve peace and prevent war in the future.
League of Nations
The Treaty of Versailles punished Germany after which war?
World War I
German currency (money) that was essentially worthless during the depression.
Making concessions to dictatorial powers/countries to avoid conflict.
Form of government that attempts to assert total control over the lives of its citizens through coercion and repression.
Prohibited the U.S. from loaning money or engaging in the sale of weapons to countries at war.
Neutrality Acts
Leader who controls a nation by force and repression.
Hostility to or prejudice against Jewish people.
Conference where British and French leaders agreed to give the Sudetenland to Germany.
Munich Conference
Form of government organized as a one-party nationalist dictatorship that put the nation/race above the individual.
Leader/Dictator of Nazi Germany
Adolf Hitler
Leader/Dictator of the Soviet Union
Joseph Stalin
Leader/Dictator of Italy
Benito Mussolini