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Past Simple regular verbs.

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Ancient Greeks ____ Maths and Music. (study)
____ Stone Age people _______ basketball? (play) ...
Did Stone Age people play basketball? Yes, they did.
People in the past _____ mobile phones. (use)
didn't use
People in the past _____ food on fire. (cook)
Stone Age people ____ in hot-air balloons. (travel)
didn't travel
____ Cristopher Columbus ________ to America? (sail) ...
Did Christopher Columbus sail to America? Yes, he did.
____ Ancient Greeks _______ sports and games? (play) ...
Did Ancient Greeks play sports and games? Yes, they did.
____ Ancient Romans _______ spoons and forks? (use) ...
Did Ancients Romans use spoons and forks? No, they didn't.
Da Vinci ______ Mona Lisa. (paint)
Stone Age people ______ animals for food. (hunt)
The Vikings ______ in long boats. (travel)
Stone Age people ______ computer games. (play)
didn't play
Say a famous painter, musician, astronaut from the past.
Which is the odd one out: dancer-writer-athlete-rich
Which is the odd one out: villa-notebook-cave-stone house
People used this to write on the blackboard.
People used this to count in the past.