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General Environmental Science Trivia

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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On average, what is the approximate daily home water use for each person in the U.S.? (25 gallons, 50 gallons, 100 gallons, 200 gallons)
50 gallons
How many people in the world are dependent on fish as their main source of daily protein? (1 out of 10, 2 out of 10, 3 out of 10, 8 out of 10)
8 out of 10
Which land-based ecosystem holds the most biodiversity, i.e. concentration of plants and animals? (tropical forest, African Savannah, South Pacific island, Coral reef)
tropical forest
How much of the world’s oxygen is produced by just the Amazon rainforest?
What are the three R's commonly associated with doing good for the Earth?
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, we will also accept Repurpose
When did Earth Day go global? (2000, 2020, 1990, 1910)
In Panama, 100 endangered species of what were planted for Earth Day? (palm tree, coconut tree, orchid, tulip)
In 2012, how many commuters in China rode bikes to protest carbon emissions and air pollution? (102, 100,000, 50, 1 million)
A single tree produces enough air to supply in its lifetime for how many people for a year? (100, 4, 12, 99)
Most of Earth’s breathable air comes from where? (trees, grass, ocean, cows)
Approximately how many people participate in Earth Day each year? (1 million, 1 billion, 1 trillion, 50 million)
1 billion
Which president created the EPA? (Clinton, Nixon, FDR, Washington)
The first Earth Day eventually led to the creation of which government agency? (FDA, EPA, LMNOP, ADT)
Earth Day’s founding was partially inspired by protestors against what? (The Korean War, grapes, palm oil, the Vietnam War)
The Vietnam War
What region on Earth produces 20% of the planet’s oxygen? (The Ocean, The Arctic, The Amazon Rainforest, The Savannah)
The Amazon Rainforest
Which bestselling book warned of the effects of pesticides? (Silent Spring, Quiet Fall, Hushed Winter, Muted Summer)
Silent Spring
How many indigenous people inhabit forests worldwide? (10 million, 50 million, 100 million, 1 billion)
50 million
When was the first Earth Day? (1950, 1922, 1970, 1990)
When is Earth Day?
April 22
The founder of Earth Day is a senator from which state? (Alabama, Connecticut, Wisconsin, Puerto Rico)