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General Health Trivia

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Ever heard of Riboflavin, it is a vitamin that is also known as? (B2, B3, B4, B44)
Which blood type is known or considered as the universal donor? (O positive, O negative, A positive, AB negative)
O negative
How many bones are there in the human skull? (22, 20, 16, 18)
How many bones does a baby have when he/she is born? (106, 200, 300)
How many muscles does our body use to balance itself while standing still? (100, 200, 300, 400)
Which of the following foods doesn't contain the "Vitamin D"? (Egg Yolks, Kale, Fish, Beef liver)
On which part of your body is the patella located?
We all know what "Vitamin A" does, so which of the following is an excellent source for it?
Tell us the exact amount of chromosomes that a normal human body has?
What sort of patients does a paediatrician work with?
Pituitary, Thyroid and Salivary are all types of what?
For what do the initials G.P. stand?
General Practitioner
Which tubes carry oxygenated blood from the heart?
Which three diseases does the MMR vaccine protect you from?
Measles, Mumps, Rubella
Which N can be found either side of the septum?
Which P is a neurodegenerative disease which causes shaking of the hands?
Extremely rare today, which disease, caused by a lack of ascorbic acid in the body, was the scourge of sailors up until the mid-18th century?
Scurvy, ARGGG
Joseph Murray performed the first of which type of operation in 1954? (Heart bypass, Kidney transplant, Lasik eye surgery)
Organ (kidney) transplant
In what year did the ‘Spanish Flu’ pandemic, which infected an estimated 500 million people and killed 50 million, begin?
To the nearest hundred, how many muscles are there in the body?
More than half of your bones are located in which two parts of the body?
Hands and feet
Which muscle of the human body can exert the most pressure?
The jaw
Humans share 98.8% of their DNA with which animal?
At what stage of pregnancy does a baby’s heartbeat start? (week 6, week 16, week 26, week 36)?
Week 6
Which of your organs is approximately seven metres in length?
The small intestine