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6th grade Review Chapter 3

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Mention at least 3 cultural facts of Egypt
They wrote with Hieroglyphs, they buried they people with stuff that they could need in the underwolrd and they had many gods and goddesses.
Where was Thales from?
He was from Greece.
Did the people doubted abour Thales ability?
Yes, they did
When did Thales measure the pyramid’s shadow?
When his stick and its shadow were the same length
Who was Thales?
A filosopher, scientist and matematician
Say 3 thing that people can get form Deltas
Good land for growing crops, new habitats and protect people from the huricanes or tsunamis.
Where does sediment end up?
Near the river’s mouth.
How do deltas form?
When a riveer flows to the sea and the sediment falls near the river's mouth, with time a delta is formed.
Tell me an opposite word to great
Tell me a similar word to surrounding
Tell me an opposite word to easy
Tell me a similar word to cut
Split/ divided
Say the correct meaning of "challenging" and make the right movement
Meaning: desafiante. *movement*
Say the correct meaning of "opposite" and spell the word correctlyt
Meaning: opuesto *mimic alphabet spelling*
Say the correct meaning of "surrounding" and make the correct movement.
Meaning: nutriente. *movement*
Say the correct meaning of "crop" and spell the word correctly
Meaning: cosecha. *mimic alphabet spelling*
Say the correct meaning of "proportion" and make the movement
Meaning: proporción. *movement*
Say the correct meaning of "measure" and make the movement
Meaning: Medida *movement*
Say the correct meaning of "stability" and spell the word correctly
Meaning: estabilidad *mimic alphabet spelling*
Say the correct meaning of "organize" and spell the word correctly
Meaning: organizar. *mimic alphabet spelling*