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Different types of Conflict

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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In the movie Zootopia, Judy breaks the stereotype in their society by becoming a police even though she is small and a woman. This scenario is an example of ____conflict.
Man vs. Society
Businesses were shutdown due to the Covid-19 pandemic and people can't go outside without faceshield and mask. This scenario is an example of ____conflict.
Man vs. Nature
Kiena saw a wallet in the street; she is torn between keeping the wallet or return to the owner. If you were Kiena, how will you resolve the conflict?
Man Vs. Self
In stories with this type of conflict, the main character resists forces that are not in the world. The key to this conflict is that forces that are not of this world threaten the main character.
Man vs. Supernatural
The main character fights to endure or overcome forces of nature. He or she may struggle to survive harsh elements, navigate through disaster, or meet his or her basic needs.
Man vs.Nature
In a story with this type of conflict, the main character resists technological forces.
Man vs. Technology
With this type of conflict, the main character challenges a law, tradition, or institution.
Man vs. Society
It refers to the opposition between an individuals and some outside forces.
External conflict
It is the struggle or problem that the character face in the story.
In this type of conflict, the struggle or problems occurs within himself or herself.
Man vs. Self
In this type of conflict, the character clashed or argue with other character. The problem occurs when the wants or goals of the character opposed by the other character.
Man vs. Man