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2nd grade Chapter 2 Review

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Acording to the joke, why did the penguins leave their home?
Because they felt it was too cold for them to live there
Mantion the 2 jokes that the TV show, the "BBC" played to the people.
Spaghetti trees and Flying penguins
What do people do when they see groundhogs leaving their burrows?
They get ready to plant the crops.
When groundhogs go back into their burrows,how many weeks of winter will be?
6 weeks more
When groundhogs come out of their burrows and see their shadows, it means ________.
It means the winter has not ended yet./ There will be more winter
Do people around the world read "Don Quixote " aloud on the "World Book Day"?
No, they don't
In Spain over 100 bookstores stay open until midnight, true or false?
Where does the "World Book Day" is celebrated?
All around the world
Does the "World Book Day" was created by UNESCO on April 23, 1616?
No it wasn't, on April 23, 1616 Cervantes and Shakespeare died and on 1995 was created th "World Book Day".
Say one thing that Miguel de Cervantes and Shakespeare had in common.
They died on the same day
Say the meaning of the word "play a joke" and spell it correctly
Meaning: Hacer una broma *mimic alphaber spelling*
Say the meaning of the word "float" and make the movement correctly
Meaning: flotar *movement*
Say the meaning of the word "twist" and make the movement correctly
Meaning: Torcer *movement*
Say the meaning of "aloud" and spell the word correctly
Meaning: fuerte *mimic alphabet spelling*
Say the meaning of the word "burrow" and make the movement correctly
Meaning: Madriguera *movement*
Say the meaning of the word "arrival" and make the correct movement
Meaning: Llegada *movement*
Say the meaning of the word "shadow" and make the correct movement.
Meaning: sombra *movement*
Say the Meaning of "observe" and make the correct movement
Meaning: Observar *movement*
Say the meaning of "date" and spell the word correctly
Meaning: fecha *mimic alphabet spelling*
Say the meaning of "discount" and spell it correctly
Meaning: descuento *mimic alphabt spelling*