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Math Problems: Addition and Subtraction

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Janet has 36 dollars in her wallet. She wants to buy toys for her 3 children. Each toy costs 12 dollars. How much is she going to keep in her wallet?
12 + 12 + 12 = 36. 36 - 36 = 0. Janet is not going to keep any money. She is going to spend her 36 dollars.
Fred is a fan of a famous band. He wants to buy 2 t-shirts that cost 8 dollars each and a hat that costs 12 dollars. How much money does he need?
8 + 8 + 12 = 28. He needs 28 dollars.
A famous TikToker got a total of 3,650 comments on her most recent video. She replied to 1,225 of them. How many comments did she not reply to?
3,650 - 1,225 = 2,425. She didn't reply to 2,425 comments.
A Youtuber got 264 views on his video in the first day. He got 406 more views on the second day. How many views did he get in two days?
264 + 406 = 670. He got 670 views in two days.
16 more seniors visited the museum in March than in January and February combined. How many seniors visited the museum in March?
15 + 22 + 16 = 53. 53 seniors visited the museum in March.
Compared to January, how many more children visited the museum in February?
34 - 28 = 6. Compared to January, 6 more children visited the museum in February.
What is the number of adults who visited the art museum in February?
139 - 22 - 34 = 83. 83 adults visited the museum in February.
What is the total number of people who visited the art museum in January?
28 + 59 + 15 = 102. A total of 102 people visited the art museum in January.