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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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It could be green
Sarah, Susan, and Sally seem fun
Bugs are awesome
The whole family searched for a bug for manouk to eat
Ants, crickets, and worms
Bugs taste good
Cried all the way home
It was covered in chocolate
Manouk ate the grossest bug in the whole entire world
The television and the radio are broken
My favorite shirt is green and silky
My parents are Irish
Michael is a lawyer
She is sad
The dog ran back home
My pet is a dog
Bobby forgot
The clumsy student dropped his pencil on the floor
The energetic student
The new teacher was a young man from England
talked about her vacation to France
Harriet wrote an essay
Although it was dark
Since it rained
because of the fish
The idea sounds great
The weather turned out fine
The flower shop smelled beautiful
The flower shop
The top of the mountain
Dave was the star player
She had a pink birthday cake.
I feel happy
My parents unhappy during the baseball game.
I looked everywhere
The boy was injured during the soccer match
The top of the mountain
The old potatoes tasted awful
the sick kid’s face turned blue
At the hospital