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Year 6 Vikings

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Give an example of a historical anachronism.
Check with your teacher.
What was the landscape and climate like in the Viking homelands?
Check with your teacher.
Where did the Vikings come from?
Norway, Sweden, Denmark
What food did the Vikings eat?
Check with your teacher
Which was first the Danelaw or Danegeld?
Who did the Vikings attack in England?
The Anglo-Saxons
When did the Viking era end?
The Vikings were settlers. Explain why this is correct.
Check with your teacher
The Vikings were traders. Explain why this is correct.
Check with your teacher
The Vikings were raiders. Explain why this is correct.
Check with your teacher
Name three things Vikings took on their raids.
Check with your teacher
Name two Viking stereotypes.
Check with your teacher
Name two reasons the Vikings wanted to travel.
Check with your teacher.
What problems did the Danegeld cause?
It didn't stop the Vikings from attacking, it was unpopular with the Anglo-Saxons
What was the Danegeld?
Money paid by the Anglo-Saxons to the Vikings to stop them attacking Britain
What was the Danelaw?
The splitting of Britain into two parts, those living under the Danelaw followed Viking laws
Who attacked Lindisfarne in 793 AD?
The VIkings