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Health - chapter 5 - effects of alcohol
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Some people develop a higher tolerance for alcohol, which means they can consume large amounts of alcohol without obvious signs of intoxication.
Alcohol may induce sleep, but larger amounts can disrupt the normal sleep cycle.
Alcohol does not dull minor aches and pain.
Heavier doses begin to act on the parts of the brain that control vital functions such as heart rate, respiration, and body temperature.
After a few drinks, the drinker becomes intoxicated, but the brain mechanisms controlling the sense of balance are not yet disturbed.
Alcohol is considered a depressant drug, however, it can initially have stimulating properties.
There isn't a clear connection between people who drink to enhance feelings of pleasure with people who develop problems with alcohol.
For genetic reasons, some people are more tolerant of alcohol, even when they drink excessively, but they are not predisposed to alcoholism.
Some negative effects of alcohol are nausea, vomiting, and hangovers.
Alcohol helps calm feelings of anxiety and produces feelings of pleasure and well-being.