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Human Health and the Environment

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What effects can smog have on the body?
eye irritation, throat irritation, coughing, wheezing, lung diseases, heart diseases, nausea, dizziness, shortness of breath, fatigue
What are some human activities that can add to environmental contaminants. Name two.
Answers will vary.
Name a specific community in Canada that has been affected through environmental contaminants and how it has affected them.
Answers will vary.
Name one way environmental contaminants have affected Canadians.
Answers will vary.
Explain how a contaminant can enter the body through inhalation
Pharynx/Mouth-Trahea-Brochial tubes-lungs
Name two ways you can protect yourself from environmental factors that affect the respiratory system.
Masks, Not smoking,
Name three possible reactions or symptoms the body can have when contaminants are absorbed through the skin?
Dry skin, Itching, Rashes, Hair Loss, Hives, Acne, Burns, Tumours.
Name two common contaminants that can enter the digestive system?
Alcohol and drugs, Workplace chemicals, Bacteria, Smoking, Pathogens, E. coli.
Name 2 components in the respiratory system.
Lungs, Bronchial Tubes, Diaphragm, Trachea, Pharynx, Mouth
Name 2 out of the 3 ways environmental contaminants can enter the body.
ingestion, skin contact or inhalation