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Teaching English to Adults

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provide 3 characteristics of adult learners
mature, autonomous, self-directed, with sustained motivation, background knowledge, discipline, focus & long-term goals...
What do you call the group of 60 year-olds and older?
very late adulthood
What are the ages of late adulthood?
45 to 60
What do you call the group of 30 - 45 year-olds?
middle adulthood
What are the ages of early adulthood?
17/18 to 30
three tips for teaching English to adult learners
relevant topics & material (e.g.: current news, culture of English speaking countries), group work, suit different learning styles (VAK)
3 similarities in teaching adults & children
variety is needed, shorter (rather than longer) tasks, keep respectful relationship with the Ss, be friendly but not their friend
How do adult learners differ from young learners? (3 ways)
they are intrinsically motivated (want to learn), have no discipline problems, have vast background knowledge & experience
Describe the principle of motivation
many adults are motivated learners but may feel uneasy in class based on past experience; discuss their interests & be flexible to keep them motivated
Describe the principle of problem-solving
lessons must be practical to help Ss solve problems they encounter in their real life and help them exercise problem-solving skills
Describe the principle of using the students' current roles
the lessons' material and topics must connect to the Ss' current roles (they have at work, home or in the free time)
Describe the principle of experiential learning
Ss' experience & background knowledge is utilized as a valuable resource; Ss should share it in class as much as possible
Describe the principle of self-directed learning
Ss have their learning goals, know their strengths & weaknesses and how they learn best, the teacher is their help & support
Name all 5 principles of Andragogy
1. self-directed learning 2. experiential learning 3. use of Ss' current roles 4. use of problem-solving 5. Ss are motivated
Who pioneered Andragogy?
Malcolm Knowles
How many principles of Andragogy does Malcolm Knowles describe?
What does Andragogy study?
The best methods and approaches for effective adult education.
What do we call the practice of teaching adults?