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Quarter 3 Review

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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There are 5 different Mathematics books and 4 different Science books. In how many ways can the books be arranged on a shelf if books of the same subject must be placed together?
Find the number of different ways that a family of 5 can be seated around a circular table with 5 chairs
In how many ways can we arrange 7 flowers if only 5 flowers will fit on the vase?
How many outfits are possible with 3 pairs of jeans, 5 blouses, and 2 pairs of shoes?
The school id number consists of 2 letters and 5 digits. How many possible school id can the School’s Division Office dispense if repetition is NOT allowed?
b. (26)(25)(10)(9)(8)(7)(6)
How many combinations can be made from the letters E,F,G,H and I taken three at a time?
Arthur packed 6 different shirts, 4 different pants and 3 pairs of shoes. How many outfits can she wear?
If P ( n, 8 ) = 40,320 , what is n?
Evaluate P(6,4)
How many ways can letters of SWIMMING be arranged?
Nine beads are to be placed in a bracelet. How many ways can they be arranged if the bracelet has no clasp?
In how many ways can 8 boys be seated in row?
Which of the following has the greatest value?
d. 7! / 3!2!
How many ways can you arrange 6 different photos in a shelf?
Which situation illustrates permutation?
c. Assigning chairs to the participants