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Earth Science 1

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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On January 1, the Altitude of Polaris in Niagra Falls was 43 degrees. What will the Altitude of Polaris be at this location on June 21?
43 degrees
What Earth motion is responsible for our system of local time and time zones?
Make an INFERENCE about this classroom.
Answers will vary
Make an observation about this classroom
Answers will vary
Mass - 176 grams, Density = 4.0g/cubic cm What is the Volume?
44.0 cubic cm
On a contour map, how can you determine what direction a river is flowing?
Opposite the curve (v) of the contour lines, water flows from high to low elevation, contour lines bend upstream
How are mountains shown on a contour map?
Concentric circles getting smaller
What is the ALlitude of Polaris at the Tropic of Cancer?
23.5 degrees
What is Earth's actual shape?
Oblate Sphere
Which city is located at 42 degrees 45" N, 73 degrees 45" W?
What is the Latitude & Longitude on the Hawaii Hot Spot? (must include correct units)
25 degrees N, 158 degrees W
What is the relationship between Latitude & Altitude of Polaris in the northern hemisphere?
As Latitude increases, Altitude of Polaris Increases.