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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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They carry water and nutrients _____ the roots ____ the leaves.
from / to
What does 'plant' means? [two things]
식물, 식물을 심다
What does 'take in' mean?
흡수하다, 섭취하다
This word means 'to go on a trip or journey'
What do make fruits and seeds? [Full sentence]
Flowers make fruits and seeds.
What do take in water and nutrients from the soil? [Full sentence]
Roots take in water and nutrients from the soil.
What do help hold the plants up? [Full sentence]
Stems help hold the plants up.
What do make food for the plants and use water to make food? [Full sentence]
Leaves make food for the plants and use water to make food.
THIS means "is shinning and bright with a soft, warm light"
THIS means "is in your chest that pumps the blood around your body"
THIS means "a regular pattern of changes or movements"
THIS means "you take it away from someone"
Please _______ the sun to set her heart _______
ask / aglow
I _______ that it would go and let me cry _______
wish / in vain
Telling me just what a _______ I've been.
What kind of childhood did J.M Barrie have? [Full sentence]
J.M Barrie had a difficult childhood.
What kind of childhood does Peter Pan have? [Full sentence]
Peter Pan has a happy and fun childhood.
Some pigeons could carry messages "이리저리"
back and forth
Some pigeons are ________ to help people.
Why did people send Winkie set free? [Full sentence]
There was no time to call for help
What happened to the plane Winkie was on? [Full sentence]
The plane crashed into the sea
THIS WORD means not correct or ture"
THIS WORD means "to cause to be free"
set free
THIS WORD means "to hit something hard and maybe break"