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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is the purpose of an old custom in Greece called botideis
Ward off bad spirits
What do people in Greece throw from their balconies on Holy Saturday
clay pot with water
How do we call people from Corfu
People in Fiinland go from door to door and give decorating ...........................to people
7. What do children in Finland paint on their cheeks
How do children in Finland dress up
as witches
Why don’t the bells ring between Good Friday and Easter Sunday
To commemorate Christ’s death
The eggs are said in France to by distributed by ......
Flying bells
5. What do people in Bermuda use to make kites
Paper tissue, wood and string
What people in Bermunda eat on Good Friday
Codfish cake with hot cross buns
What is Easter Bunny, according to tradition, resposnsible for?
hiding chocolate eggs and sweets for children to find
Why do people in Australia dismiss Easter Bunny?
the rabbit is considered a bad omen
What do Australians acknowledge instead of Easter Bunny
Easter Bilby