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Minecraft Math

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Steve mined 9 diamonds and wants to craft a diamond shovel. In order to make the shovel, Steve will need 4 diamonds. If Steve uses 4 of his diamonds, how many will he have left?
5 diamonds
Alex built 3 houses and Steve built 4 houses. How many houses did they make in all?
7 houses
How many Minecraft characters are dancing?
The chicken dropped 7 eggs on the ground. Steve picked up 6 of the eggs. How many eggs are left on the ground?
1 egg
Alex was running from 5 zombies. When she looked back again, she saw that there were 6 more zombies chasing her. How many zombies were chasing Alex in all?
11 zombies
Steve has 8 wood blocks and needs to use 4 of them to make a wooden chest. If Steve uses 4 of his wood blocks, how many will he have left?
4 wood blocks
Alex had 12 gold ingots but dropped 5 of them. How many gold ingots does Alex have now?
7 gold ingots
Steve collected 3 diamonds and 5 emeralds. How many gems did Steve collect in all?
8 gems