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4th Grade Math- April 11, 12,13

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Based on the data, what is the amount of time in minutes Karnika practiced volleyball?
A. 894 min
How many students chose a hamburger or chicken as their favorite school lunch?
What is the difference between the highest score and the lowest score shown in the stem and leaf plot?
G. 3.7
How much money does she have left?
B. $0.84
What was the mass of the bag of birdseed in kilograms before Tyra opened it?
H. 9kg
If the geyser erupted one day at 1:04p.m., at which time could the geyser erupt next?
C. 3:05p.m.
Which measurement is closest to the total length in centimeters of the walking trail shown in the diagram?
C. 22cm
Which measurement best describes the length of the bat?
A. 35 in.
Which object has a mass closest to the mass of a dictionary?
G. Pair of boots
What is the measure of angle N to the nearest degree?
What is the measure of angle XYZ to the nearest degree?
What is the measure of angle Q to the nearest degree?
What is the greatest number of bracelets Kareem can make with 475 beads?
A. 52
How much money did Diane earn during the summer?
G. $1,296
How many fluid ounces of salsa were left in the jug?
J. fl oz
How many games will the team play in 25 years?
D. 2,050
How many players are in the hockey league?
H. 432
Scott traveled 557 miles to visit his cousin. What is this number rounded to the nearest ten?