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All About BHHS

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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If you want a snack during class, are the serveries open?
If you want a snack between classes, where should you go?
The serveries
If you are hurt or injured, where should you go?
Main Office
If you are feeling upset, anxious, or worried, who can you go to for support?
Mrs. Jones/ Counselor/ Mrs. Haines
Name your counselor or one of the counselors.
Fogle, Fitz(gerald), Brooks, Klein, Madis, Midea
Where would I go to check out a book?
The library/media center
Where would I go if I didn't feel well at school?
The main office
Who are the paras in ARP?
Mr. Vedder, Ms. Ellis, Ms. Schultz
Name one of our associate principals.
Mr. Ohrt, Mrs. Lupone, Mrs. McDonald
Name one secretary at BHHS.
Mrs. Mezey, Mrs. Osbourne, Mrs. Litz, Mrs. Frantz
What is an art class you can take?
ceramics, painting, jewelry, photo, drawing, digital art, etc
What is one gym class you can take?
weight training, phys ed, team sports, yoga, etc.
Who is our principal?
Dr. Hartley
Where can you eat during lunch time?
Main Commons/Main Street
Name one art teacher
Beauchamp, Basirico, Brownson, Peg (Pasternak)
Name one gym/PE teacher
Alfano, Scott, Lewand, Weghorst, Gandley
Who do you ask for help if there is a big spill or mess in the hallway?
custodian/hall monitor
Who is our speech and language therapist?
Mrs. Manjo
Who is our transition coordinator?
Mrs. Brown
Who is our social worker?
Mrs. Jones
Where do you go if you come to school late?
The attendance office/Ms. Allen