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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is the best subject in the UNIVERSE?
Math (or Science)
Who is the best teacher on the ENTIRE planet?
Mrs. Webb :)
64 KM = ? M
64,000 M
26,000 M = ? KM
26 KM
James is five feet tall. Caroline is 53 inches tall. Who is taller?
How many inches are in 5 feet?
60 inches
Which is less--4 feet or 40 inches?
40 inches
Which is longer--2 feet or 28 inches?
28 inches
4 feet = ? inches
48 inches
1 foot = ? inches
12 inches
Which is greater? 3,200 MM or 340 CM
340 CM
Which is greater? 4 CM or 45 MM
45 MM
Which is greater? 800 CM or 1,000 MM
800 CM
Convert: 3CM = ? MM
Each day, Isaac feeds his puppy one cup of dog food in the morning and one cup in the evening. How many quarts of food does he feed his puppy during a 7 day week?
3 ½ quarts
Which is greater--10 quarts or 5 gallons?
5 gallons
Which is greater--16 pints or 8 ½ quarts?
8 ½ quarts
Which is greater--6 cups or 2 ½ pints?
6 cups
Which is greater---12 quarts or 6 gallons?
6 gallons
2 ½ gallons = ? cups
40 cups
½ quart = ? cups
2 cups
6 gallons = ? quarts
24 quarts
1 ½ pints = ? cups
3 cups
½ gallon = ? pints
4 pints
3 gallons = ? pints
24 pints