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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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When farmers [ ] them near Virginia strawberries, the two [ ] *시제주의
planted / reproduced
In 1714, when Amedee-Francois Frezier went to back to France, what did he bring? [full sentence]
He brought five Chilean strawberries palnts
How were strawberries in Europe? [full sentence]
They were tiny and not easy to grow.
How much size of Chilean strawberries? [full sentence]
They were as big as walnuts or small eggs.
Why was Amedee-Francois Frezier surprised? [full sentence]
He was surprised by strawberries' size
Where did Amedee-Francois Frezier find some Chilean strawberries? [full sentence]
He found some Chilean strawberries near a beach.
In 1712, Why was Amedee-Francois Frezier sent to Chile? [full sentence]
He went there to gather information about the country.
What did Emile Zola give to Cezanne? [full sentence]
He gave Cezanne a few apples in a basket.
Why did Emile Zola feel grateful to Cezanne? [full sentence]
Because Cezanne protected him.
Why did Paul Cezanne spend a long time?
He spent a long time observing apples.
Who painted this painting?
Paul Cezanne
Why do we make fruit sweeter without sugar? [full sentence]
Too much sugar is not healthy.
What happens when we put some fruits on the grill? [full sentence]
The heat dries up the water inside the fruit.
How can you make pineapples or bananas sweeter without sugar? [full sentence]
We can put pineapples or bananas on the grill.
When a fruit becomes softer, the [ ] inside moves around, and the fruit tastes less [ ]
juice, sour
Why do we shake an orange inside a box? [full sentence]
Shaking makes the fruit softer.
How can you make an orange sweeter without sugar? [full sentence]
Put an orange in an box and shake it up.
How do we make watermelon taste sweeter without sugar?
A pinch of salt brings out its natural sweetness.
How does the salt trick your brain? [full sentence]
The salt tricks your brain by hiding the fruit's bitter flavor.
What colors of fruits can help fight cancer? [full sentence]
Blue and purple fruits help fight cancer.
Green fruits help [ ] cells.
Yellow fruits help you [ ] better at night.
Yellow fruits help you r [             ]glow.
White fruits help keep [ ] moving and keep [ ] strong
blood, bones
Which fruits are good for your heart? [three things]
strawberries, watermelons and cherries