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vocabulary 3

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Cooperation with developing countries in Latin America
Cooperation with developing countries in Latin America
The evolution and complexity of jazz have been very large.
The evolution and complexity of jazz have been very large.
Nicky dancing hip hop, play free Dress Up games online.
Nicky dancing hip hop, play free Dress Up games online.
I'm strong enough to carry those heavy metal boxes.
I'm strong enough to carry those heavy metal boxes.
The chanfana is a dish of traditional folk origin Portugal.
The chanfana is a dish of traditional folk origin Portugal.
Because in a Vaiṣṇava ceremony, everything is kīrtana and dance.
Because in a Vaiṣṇava ceremony, everything is kīrtana and dance.
The country of Chile included 25 provinces and 88 departments.
The country of Chile included 25 provinces and 88 departments.
The main area of my work is a classical sculpture.
The main area of my work is a classical sculpture.
The blues are unbeaten with three wins and a draw.
The blues are unbeaten with three wins and a draw.
Contains the respective pieces of the work, violin with orchestra.
Contains the respective pieces of the work, violin with orchestra.
Sound like a grand piano, trumpet or even rain drops!
Sound like a grand piano, trumpet or even rain drops!
Or maybe you could teach me to play the trombone.
Or maybe you could teach me to play the trombone.
Work for bass saxophone and piano, commissioned by Dúo Sincronía.
Work for bass saxophone and piano, commissioned by Dúo Sincronía.
Well, why don't you get behind me with your piccolo?
Well, why don't you get behind me with your piccolo?
She's the new member of our oboe section.
She's the new member of our oboe section.
n the Revelation, the harp and trumpet are mentioned.
n the Revelation, the harp and trumpet are mentioned.
The gong represents the start of a new day.
The gong represents the start of a new day.
This marching glockenspiel is supplied with a lightweight comfortable carrier.
This marching glockenspiel is supplied with a lightweight comfortable carrier.
All right, flute man, who else is in this apartment?
All right, flute man, who else is in this apartment?
This way, the drum can vibrate fully and resonate completely.
This way, the drum can vibrate fully and resonate completely.