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5th Grade Chapter 3 Review

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Mention 1 painting that Matisse painted inspired by Picasso
Madame Matisse
Mention 1 painting that Picasso painted inspired by Matisse
The Young Ladies of Avignon and
Mention 2 paintings that Matisse painted
The Joy of Life and Madame Matisse
Was Picasso a cubist?
Yes, he was a famous cubist
Was Matisse a cubist?
No he was a Fauvist
Did Matisse and Picasso dislike their paintings?
No, they motivated each other through art.
Was allowed to a single woman to watch the Olympics?
Yes, but married women couldn't watch the Olympic games
Was allow that women participated in ancient Olympics?
No, the women couldn't participate.
Were the ancient Olympics similar to the actual Olympics?
No, they were very different
Does the ancient Olympics were part of a festival?
Yes, they were
Why does the ancient Olympics sterted?
The ancient Olympics started as a way to worship Zeus, king of the Greek gods.
Make the movement of "prefer" and explain its meaning
Meaning: prefer *movement*
Make the movement of "criticize" and explain its meaning
Meaning: criticar *movement*
Make the movement of "furious" and explain its meaning
Meaning: Furioso/Furiosa *movement*
Make the movement of "citizen" and explain its meaning
Meaning: ciudadano *movement*
Make the movement of "passionate" and explain the meaning
Meaning: apasionado *movement*
Make the movement of "trick" and explain its meaning
Meaning: truco *movement*
Make the movement of "behavior" and explain its meaning
Meaning: conducta *movement*
Make the movement of "attract" and explain its meaning
Meaning: atraer *movement*
Make the movement of the word "brag" and explain the meaning
meaning: Presumir/ alardear *movement*