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3rd Grade Math - April 11,12,13, 26, 28 and May  ...

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Which unit of measurement could be marked on the container?
D. Liters
What is the length of on side of the triangle in units?
G. 6 units
What is the perimeter of the poster in inches?
Which measurement is closest to the perimeter of the business card in centimeters ?
B. 28cm
What mistakes, if any, did Gretchen make?
A. The perimeter of the rectangle should be 24 yards
Which measurement is closest to the perimeter of the calculator in centimeters?
B. 32 cm
Which of these rectangles have an area of 36 square centimeters?
J. Rectangles V, X, and Y only
The rest of the model will also be divided into squares of the same size. What is the area in square units represented by this model?
B. 15 Square units
What is the area of the blanket in square feet?
H. 72 square feet
What is the area in square meters of Erin's lawn?
J. 72 Square meters
Which strip diagram shows how to find the number of mushrooms that GIna should put in each salad?
Based on the model, which of these could explain what Noah did with the cookies?
Which model can be used to find the number of songs the band played at the shows last year?
Which equation can be used to find the number of bows Stacy made with this ribbon?
G. 21 divide by 3 equals 17
Aaron will place 99 towels on a shelf. He will make 9 equal stacks. How many towels will be in each stack?
How many vans will be needed to take the group to the zoo?
How many players are in each group?
How many pieces of gum did Gerardo buy?
How many baseballs did the league buy?
What is the number of grapes each boy ate?
How many photographs are on 9 pages of the album?
Which equation can be used to find how much more money Timothy needs in order to buy the camera?
$75 - $23 =
Which equation can be used to find the amount of money Freddie had in his bank account after he took out money on Tuesday?
256 + 50 - 87=
Which Statement is true ?
2/3 > 2/4, because thirds are larger than fourths.
Which comparison of these fractions is true?
2/8 > 1/8
Which comparison and explanation are true ?
5/6 > 5/8, because sixths are larger than eights