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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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a large amount of water flowing over land that is usually dry
an alternative energy source that uses the power of the wind
wind power
an alternative energy source from the sun that drives the water cycle and produces wind, ocean waves, and flowing water in rivers and streams
solar energy
a resource that naturally replenished continuously and quickly, such as sunlight, water, and air
renewable resource
a resource that is not replenished because it takes extended geological periods to form such as rocks, minerals, and fossil fuels
nonrenewable resource
a material such as soil or water that comes from the natural environment
natural resource
alternatice energy source that comes from hte internal heat of the earth
geothermal power
melted rock erupting onto the Earth's surface from a volcano
plants and animals that became buried under sediments millions of years ago, then slowly transformed into deposits of carbon-rich substances, such as coal, petroleum, and natural gas
fossil fuel
an opening in the Earth's crust where lava, cinders, ash, and gases come to the surface
melted rock BELOW the Earth's surface
the sudden movement of earth materials down a slope
landslide or mudslide
a sudden movement of Earth's crust along a fault
Earth's outer layer of solid rock