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ACAP 5th Grade Math and Science Review

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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In paragraph 18 the sentence "The parsley has bolted and is not good anyhow, she says. what does the word bolted mean in this passage? stay secure or stopped blooming.
Stopped blooming
Read paragraph 5 what does the phrase like my mother's good silk dress mean? Does it mean the the lake was attractive, stylish and valuable or the lake was glassy, brilliant, and still?
The lake was glassy, brilliant, and still
How does the narrator's situation affect her descriptions in the chapter "The Screen Porch"? Is it because she misses her life in the city, she describes her country life with disgust or she is seeing new things she likes it.
She misses her life in the city, the narrator describes country life with disgust.
How do the poems at the beginning of each chapter fit together in "That Wild Berries Should Grow"? Do they show the mood Elsa is in or describe the animals Elsa sees?
They show the mood Elsa is in.
Do you need to follow all of the directions as the teacher is reading them or can you skip steps ahead?
You do need to follow the directions as the teacher is reading them. Do not skip steps or work ahead. It is the law that you follow the directions.
Are you allowed to go to the bathroom during the test?
Only if it is an emergency. You should use the restroom before the test as you want to make sure you use your time wisely on the test.
Will you need headphones for one of the ELA tests?
Yes, You will need working headphones for an ELA portion of the state assessment. Please make sure yours work.
Can you use the your test ticket as scratch paper?
Yes, your test ticket will be your scratch paper. If you need more scratch paper raise your hand and your teacher will bring you some. It's not for fun drawings
Can you go back and review your answers?
Yes, you can go back and review your answers. You may also flag questions you would like to review. Check your work!
Are you allowed to have one physical book under your desk to read when you are done testing?
Yes, though the test should take you most of the time as it is set up that way. Being the first one done doesn't always mean you did amazing. Check your work!
Are you allowed to have cell phones, smart watches, or any electronic devices other than the one you will test on during the test?
No, all electronic will need to be turned off and turned in to your homeroom teacher. They will be placed in the hallway while you test.