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Wonder (August) Final pages

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Who did Julian dress up as? Why?
Darth Sidious / Dig at Auggie
Why was Auggie upset with Jack Will?
He thought they were good friends
Why did Auggie go to the nurse?
To go home because he was upset after overhearing Jack Will
What did Grans tell Via? (It was a secret)
That she loved her more than anyone else in the world
How does Via feel about Auggie?
That he is the sun and everyone moves around him
What does Julian suggest Jack do about Auggie?
Just ditch him
What did Auggie overhear Jack tell Julian?
Auggie follows him around/ The teachers made them sit next to each other in every class
Who did not RSVP to Auggie's birthday?
Julian/Julian Mom
Who did Auggie end up dressing up as last minute for Halloween?
Bleeding Scream
Who was Auggie supposed to dress up as for Halloween?
Boba Fett
Who can sit at the "Summer Table"?
Anyone with a summer name or anyone who is nice