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Speaking B1+

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What´s your favourite possession and why?
Would you rather live near the beach or the mountains?
Would you rather be too busy or bored?
What family traditions do you have in Spain?
When is your birthday? How do you celebrate it ?
Would you rather live near the beach or mountains? Why?
What innovation you couldn´t live without? Why?
Could you do without your phone for a week?
Where did you travel last summer?
Have you done or started anything new this year?
Would you rather stay in or go out? Why?
What do you normally do to keep busy in your free time?
What is the most difficult part of studying English?
Have you spoken, watched or read anything in English lately?
What do you miss the most being a kid?
Have you seen any good films/series recently? What kind of?
What have you heard on the news lately? Where do you usually get the information from?
What are your weekend plans?
What´s the most boring thing you needed to do this week?
What was the last concert/festival you went to?
What hobbies are you interested in?
What have you eaten today? Do you like cooking?
What time did you get up this morning? What time do you think you’ll go to bed tonight?
You have to do what you love. Do you agree?
What´s your favourite weather? Do you like the weather today?