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Who Passed that Gas?

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Inversely proportional means as one value increases the other.............
stays the same
goes to zero
What happens to the volume as the temperature rises?
The volume increases as the temperature rises.
The volume decreases as the temperature rises.
The volume cannot be determined.
The volume stays the same.
What happens to the volume when the number of particles decreased?
The volume decreased when the number of particles decreased.
The volume increased when the number of particles decreased.
The volume increased when the number of particles increased.
nothing happened to the volume
What happens to the values of the temperature and pressure as you increase the volume?
Temperature and pressure decrease as the volume increases.
Temperature and pressure increase as the volume increases.
Temperature increases, pressure decreases.
Temperature and pressure stay the same.
What happens to the value of the pressure as the temperature decreases?
The pressure decreases as the temperature decreases
The pressure increases as the temperature decreases
The pressure stays the same
The pressure does nothing
What happens to the value of the pressure when the number of particles increases?
The pressure increases
The pressure decreases
The pressure stays constant
The pressure does nothing at all
_______ is an explanation of how particles in matter behave
Kinetic Molecular Theory
Boyle's Law
Charles' Law
The movement of gas molecules is greatly affected by _________.
temperature of the container
the shape of the container
size of the container
As the temperature of a substance increases:
The speed & kinetic energy of the particles, both decrease
The speed & kinetic energy of the particles, both increase
The speed of particles decreases,kinetic energy increases
The speed of particles increases,kinetic energy decreases
fill the entire container, and no definite volume
take the shape of the container and have definite volume
are cylindrical in shape and have no definite volume
have definite shape and volume
In this phase of matter, particles do NOT stop moving. Instead they vibrate in place
When any kind of gas such, as nitrogen or carbon dioxide, is heated, it
Of these three states of matter, which one has the most kinetic energy?
A hypothetical gas that perfectly fits all the assumptions of the kinetic molecular theory is known as
ideal gas
real gas
imaginary gas
perfect gas
The particles of ___ generally have the least amount of energy.
What is standard temperature?
0 oC
173 K
173.15 K
Which container will have lower pressure?
they both have the same pressure
I love my phone
What will happen to the volume of a gas under constant temperature if the pressure increases?
What about gases can be measured?
Pressure, Temperature, Volume, and Moles
Volume and Temperature
Pressure and Volume
Temperature, Volume, and Pressure
Which of the following would increase the (gas) pressure of a system?
All of these
Pump in more gas
Increase the Temperature
Decrease the volume
If a balloon is cooled what will happen to the volume?
Volume will decrease
Volume will increase
Volume will not change
Balloon freezes to death