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Everyday items

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Where is the cat in?
The cat is in a WASHING MACHINE
What is he using?
He is using a VACUUM CLEANER
What is the cat using?
The cat is using a TOWEL
What are they using in the toothbrush?
They are using TOOTHPASTE
What do we need to clean our teeth?
We need a TOOTHBRUSH to clean our teeth
What is Sponge Bob using?
Sponge Bob is using a SOAP
What do we need to wash our hair?
We need SHAMPOO to wash our hair
What is she using to sleep?
She's using a PILLOW to sleep
What is the dog looking at?
The dog is looking at a MIRROR
What is she using?
She is using a MICROWAVE
What do we need in our rooms?
We need a LIGHT in every room.
What do we need to open the door?
We need a KEY to open the door
What do we use to heat water?
We use a KETTLE
What are these?
What do we need in winter?
In winter, we need a HEATER
What is she using?
She's using a HAIRDRYER
That is a washing-machine and a...
What is he using?
What does our mobile phones need to keep working?
Our mobile phones need a CHARGER
What is the cat using?
The cat is using a BRUSH
What item wakes us up every morning?
Every morning, we wake up because of an ALARM CLOCK
What do we need in summer?