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Vocabulary 3 unit 2
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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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1-.I have a mix of music in Latin
2-. i hate the latin
i love jazz
I have a jazz cede
1-. i like hip-hop
2-. i like dance to hip hop
1-. my mom is very like the Heavy metal
1-. my dad is hate the Heavy metal
1-. I don't like Folk
my mom i like the folk
1-.like to dance
2-.my cousin dance very well
1-.i love the Country
2-.my grandfather like the Country
1-.i love the classic music
2-.at the party put you classic music
1-.my grandfather like the Blues
2-.-I don't know what the Blues is
1-.i like the Violin
2-.i have de violin
1-.I hate the sound of the Trumpet
2-.my brother blows the Trumpet
1-.my friend plays the Trombone
2-.my friend have Trombone
1-.I played the Saxophone as a child
2-. my mom knows how to play the birthday song on the Saxophone
1-. i have a piccolo
2-.the piccolo is not touched
1-.I don´t play the Oboe
2-.how the oboe sounded
1-.venti plays the Harp
2-. I would like to play the Harp
1-.my aunt plays the Gong all the tricks
2-.my aunt says that playing the Gong all the tricks brings luck
1-.I played Glockenspiel
2-.I have a Glockenspiel
1-. my dad played the Flute
2-.my friend plays the flute
1.- I play the Drum
2-. my mom hates the sound of the Drum