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Final exam questions(7.Free time)

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What sport do you do?
I am lazy/IO don't have time/I played basketball, but i gave it up./I play football
what do you think of TV commercials?
sometimes funny, but they disturb us
disadvantages of watching TV
get fat, watch bad films
What are the advantages of watching TV?
you get information, have a good time, relax
5 successful Hungarian sports
swimming, kayaking,skating, waterpolo,penthatlon
Tell me 5 team sports.
football, volleyball, basketball, waterpolo,rugby
tell me 5 individual sports
running, swimming,horse racing, wrestling,boxing
Suggest a place to meet a friend before the film starts in the cinema.
Let's meet in front of the cinema.
Invite a friend to the cinema.
Why don't we go to the cinema tonight? there's a good film on.
Tell me 5 kinds of films.
horror, detective stories, adventures, romantic comedies, thrillers
Tell me 5 hobbies.
gardening, playing football, cooking, reading books, watching films
What animals can you see in a zoo?/5/
giraffe, elephants, lions, tigers, hippos
Tell me 5 free time activities that families can do together.
play boardgames, play cards, go to the zoo,walk in the park, go to the cinema