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Final exam questions(6.Lifestyle)

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What do you do in the afternoons/evenings?(5)
do the homework, study, meet my friends, go to trainings, work
How often do you go to a fast food restaurant?
hardly ever/every week/once a week
Where and what do you eat for lunch?(5)
at home: meat, rice, soup, roast chicken,chips
Tell me five meals you can cook.
bread and butter, tea, pancake,sandwiches,paprika chicken
What are the meals of the day?
breakfast, lunch, dinner
Which do you prefer:fast food restaurant or restaurants? Why?
cheaper, I like hamburgers
Tell me 5 places where you can eat out.
romantic restaurant, canteen, fast food restaurant, cafe, pub
What do you do at the weekends?(5)
sleep, go out, meet my friends, watch films, visit my grandma, play computer games
what do you do in the morning after you wake up?(5)
get up, get dressed, have breakfast, clean teeth,do exercise,have a shower
Ask the waiter about the ways of paying for the meal in a restaurant
can I pay by credit card or cash?
tell the waiter you want to pay in a restaurant.
can I have the bill, please?
order three courses in a restaurant.
can I have.... I would like........ ........for me, please
tell me about the food pyramid.
should/shouldn't eat
4 components of a healthy lifestyle
healthy diet, physical activities, good social life, be positive
What are the symptoms(3) of a flu?
runny nose,temperature, headache, bad cough