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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is timbre?
Timbre is the quality of the sound that allows us to identify the source.
What does pitch allow us to differentiate?
High and low sounds
What is intensity (define)?
Intensity is the volume of sound.
Which decibel if exceeded can cause damage to our ears?
85 and above
What are three examples of natural noise pollution?
Thunder, volcanic eruption, loud animals.
What are three example of man-made noise pollution?
E.g. construction sites, loud music from a speaker etc.
What are the two types of noise pollution?
Man-made and natural
What is noise pollution?
It is when a sound gets too loud and lasts too long, with the possibility of causing damage to our ears.
What vibrates through our throat as we speak or sing?
Our vocal chords
Where is a place where you could here reverberation?
E.g. corridor, the metro, an empty room, a theatre.
Where is a place where you could hear an echo?
E.g. a cave, mountain
True or False: Sound travels faster in gases than liquids.
False! Sound travels faster in liquids than gases.
True or False: Sound travels faster in solids than liquids.
True or False: Sound doesn't need a medium to travel through (e.g. water, gas or an object).
False! It needs a medium in order to travel
Our ears receive v_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ and our brain interprets them. We call this sound.