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Vocabulary 3

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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1.-Hip-hop is the type of music to dance so much.
2.-In some times i listen hip-hop only to dance with the music.
1.-I dont like any style of music loud like heavy metal
2.-Are some music like heavy metal around platforms
1.-Are very country around the world.
2.-I have a class when i leran around the countrys
1.- Classical music is very relaxing and it is always good to listen to it to get a nice thought about music.
2.-The classical music sounds very ancient now
1.-This style of music is old
2.- In blue they play with instruments that produce low and deep sounds.
1.-When i see a video for a person playing a violin is very relax for me.
2.-Play a violin look complicated
1.-The piccolo is like the flute but more complicated and interesant i think.
2.- The piccolo is producing sound as its holes are uncovered.
1.-I see in a movie a gong.
2.-I think the gong makes a loud sound.
1.-The drum has a deep sound.
2.-My little cousin love play the drum.
1.-My sister completely detuned her flute.
2.-The music teacher taught us to play the flute.
1.-I like this style because jazz sound very good
2.-The jazz is very relax
1.-To play trombone you need to be strong
2.-The trombone is used to background sounds
1.-The dance music is not my style
2.-I don`t like dance music
1.-Trumpet look like a dificult instrument to play
2.-Trumpet have a good sound
1.-Harp look like a beatiful instruments
2.-In the old grecia have harps
1.-I like latin style of music
2.-My dad listen latin music
1.-When i am a kid i have a glockenspiel like a toy
2.-When i am more kid in music i learn of the sounds with i little glockenspiel
1.-The oboe do a loud sounds
2.- I never listen a oboe
1.-Soem people love and like folk style of music
2.-In folk play guitar
1.-A character play the saxophone
2.-I never touch a saxophone