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Forms, styles, and art practices in Contemporary ...

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He popularized the Okir and Sarimanok on his art works
Abdulmari Imao
Traditional design from mindanao that is enhance with leaf and vines
The epic chanting of Saguidanon is about?
the adventures of brothers Labaw Donggon and humadapnon
Women from Antiques weave a plaid textile in design, What do you call this?
What is the common painting approach of Carlos "Botong Francsco"
Rural life, Fishing , Bayanihan, Farming, landscapes
This sculpture is portrayed in squatting or crossed arm position
It is a blanket design with abstract pattern
Founder of conceptual art
Roberto Chabet
This art is derived from unrecognizable object
Abstract Art
Art style that emphasizes the subject should show awareness of conflict, oppressive conditions and event in time.
Social Realism
This art style is rendered meticulously realistic style looking like a photograph
Photorealism / Hyper realism
This painter imbued his style with tension and dynamic movement
Cesar Legaspi
He refined the method Transparent cubism
Vicente Manansala
The "Bad Boy of Philippine art"
Victorio Edades
This refers to the production of visual arts which consist of painting, sculpture etc.
studio arts
Crafting of material arts that are passed on from one generation to the next
Living Traditions/ Traditional Arts
Manifestation of art where a computer or digital technology has been utilized
Digital art
Among the examples of this art is radio, television, mtv, youtube
Broadcast and Televisual
This is a technique of capturing images using light sensitive material
Collaborative art that shows music, dance and self expression
Theater art
Art of Building a structure
Classified as two dimensional art and three dimensional art
visual arts
This refers categories of art may involve surface decoration like jewelry and weaving
This categories of art appeals to a broad mass audience
Popular Art
Considered as the refined art and produced by best artist.
Fine Arts